April: Hudson Yards Gallery
May: Nokota horse Conservancy, Online Exhibition

June: The Nokota Preserve, Pennsylvania

July: “The Sangre De Cristo Summer Spectacular”, Colorado

March: “From the Land of Atka,” New York, NY
An exhibition to support the Wolf Conservation Center.

April: “Freedom,” New York, NY
Held on Earth Day to benefit World Animal Protection.

April: “Longines Masters,” Online Exhibition
30% of the proceeds was donated to Cana Foundation.

August: “The Hampton Classic Horse Show,” Bridgehampton, NY

September: “Perception,” New York, NY

December: “Wildest Dreams,” Telangana, India
A fundraiser gala for World Wildlife Fund of Nature India.

February: “Passion,” New York, NY
Hosted by Ambassador at Large and Honorary Board Member for SASF, Jean Shafiroff.

September: “Breakthrough,” New York, NY